AER Engineering had been using 20mm wear strips to protect their quarry rock bucket.
By changing to 19mm Duroxite they’re now getting up to three times the wear performance.
AER’s PC1250 bucket had always been protected with 20mm 450 wear strips. The strips inside the bucket behind the tooth adapters were typically lasting 6 – 8 months.
In an attempt to improve this performance, a change was made to 19mm Duroxite. Historically, Real Steel would not have recommended chromium carbide overlay plate in this sort of application.
However, the results speak for themselves.

After changing to Duroxite, AER are now getting an incredible 18 months or more of wear out of their bucket protection.
That’s around three times the wear performance they had previously recorded.
Duroxite has not only lowered the amount of wear plate AER need to purchase for their PC1250, but also reduced the downtime of removing and installing new bucket protection.