Taihape Engineering had a set of power harrows that had been bent and buckled over years of run-ins with stumps and fence posts.
Real Steel took on the daunting task of reverse engineering the harrows so that all 10 cogs inside turned with perfect precision.
When Taihape Engineering dropped off their power harrows to our team it was clear they’d seen much better days. A full rebuild was definitely in order – but, as is often the case, there were no drawings to work from.
Luckily, one end of the housing was more intact than the other, so our crafty designers were able to capture some accurate dimensions and use these to inform new drawings.

With the design finalised, the new housing was formed from Strenx 700 steel in our Upper Hutt factory.
The new version looked like it was a perfect replica of the old one – minus all the damage, of course!

The big test came when all 10 cogs were placed into the new housing and the harrow was put through its paces.
The Taihape Engineering team reported everything was a “perfect fit”, and the harrows were out in the paddock the day after delivery without missing a beat.

Our team use SolidWorks software to build and analyse 3D models of your wear parts and other assemblies.
We accept only maximum accuracy – first time, every time.